First Word – 9.6.24 “Shining the Light”

September 6, 2024

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (NIV)

Have you ever been out in a rural area on a moonless night? If the sky is clear, looking up you can see billions of stars in the Milky Way. But if it is cloudy, foggy, or in a snowy blizzard, it can be so dark, pitch black! Perhaps on the distant horizon you can see a few yard lights or a flashing red light from a radio or cell tower, but if not, it can feel very lonely.

We had a single yard light high up on a telephone pole that illuminated our farmyard. The light was an important part of the farm! It was for our safety and security – there weren’t any street lights! It was also a beacon to help me guide me home when driving at night. Without it, when the power would go out, like during an ice storm or blizzard, it was disorienting and lonely.

The Bible uses light from the very beginning – “Let there be light…” Later, Jesus claims to be “the light of the world.” Here in Matthew 5, Jesus challenges us to be light, saying “let your light shine”. He’s not referring to our own light, to a light of our making, but being light-bearers for God. We are to shine the light of Christ into the world, so others will know the love of God and all His promises.

Starting this Sunday, we have a new light shining at our churches – something we’re calling “FLAME”. It is a Sunday school type program led by Kaitlyn Hallett, along with a few volunteers, who will being sharing the light of Christ with our elementary age children. This is something we haven’t had for a few years, it’s exciting! The youth will be excused after the Children’s Message to take part in an exciting Bible activity and return after the sermon. They will also learn some Bible songs and even sing for us in worship about once a month.

What does FLAME stand for? “Faithful Learners And Missionary Explorers” That’s a wonderful acronym – reminding us of the light, and how we are all called to learn and explore the things of God. This will be a wonderful gift for the children in a world that can be so dark and scary.

Kaitlyn is also planning some other special events like Easter Egg Hunt, and perhaps a Christmas program working with our kids and Youth For Christ. Let’s see if we can help this light shine brighter and brighter! Invite others! Let’s shine that light!

On the farm, I could see other neighbor’s yard lights 3-4 miles away. It was a reminder that I wasn’t alone out on the prairie. Nowadays there are even flashing red lights from giant wind turbines scattered across the horizon. We are not alone – we have God, and one another. Let’s continue to work together to bring glory to our Father in heaven!

In Christ; Pastor Dan