Woman's Group

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." - Acts 2:42

First Women in Mission

First Women in Mission is a community of faith, hope, and love who work to serve others in Christ’s name. Through our activities, we help women draw closer to the Lord; encourage and equip them to use their God-given talents in sharing God’s love; and provide opportunities for service within the congregation and outreach to our community and the world.

We are a part of the Women of the North American Lutheran Church which has yearly gatherings and networks to serve in areas of need and mission.

Sunday Lunches

Hospitality is a key mission for our women’s groups, which includes providing snacks and lunches after church each week. Hunger and homelessness are real needs in our community, and being able to provide people with a good meal on Sunday and other special occasions helps reach people not only with the bread of life (Jesus) physically and spiritually.

Altar Guild

The mission of the Altar Guild is to prepare the sanctuary for worship, caring for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens in ways that are reverent and dignified for all services. These volunteers play a critical role in enhancing the worship experience for the congregation, keeping the chancel and furnishings clean, and ensuring we have supplies like candles, bread, and wine. They serve for the glory of God and the building up of his people.

Be Part of a Meaningful Mission

Connect with other women as we serve our congregation and community, offering hope, hospitality, and care in Christ’s name. To learn more, contact our pastor and discover how you can get involved.

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