Our History

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Psalm 127.1a

Founding and Early Years (1925-1929)

For nearly one hundred years, First Evangelical Lutheran Church has been fulfilling its mission to share the Good News of Jesus Christ in this world. It all began on December 6, 1925, when the first Lutheran church services were conducted in the auditorium of the West Palm Beach Women’s Club by Rev. John F. Seibert of Chicago, general secretary of the Board of Home Missions and Church extensions of the United Lutheran Church in America.

The congregation was officially organized as First United Lutheran Church by resident pastor Rev. L. Dee on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1926. The Rev. James H. Richard was called to be their first full-time pastor on October 1, 1926.

Building a Strong Foundation (1929-1955)

On April 10, 1929, a site was purchased on Lakeview Avenue for $10,000. Construction began with the slogan “Building a Church Without a Debt.” An interesting fact: the lumber used was secured from the north wing of the Royal Poinciana Hotel in Palm Beach.

Rev. Richard resigned on April 1, 1933, due to ill health, and Rev. William Earnest Fox was called on November 12, 1933. In 1934, the congregation purchased property at 321 Croton Way to be used for the parsonage. On June 30, 1941, Rev. Fox resigned to serve our country as a Chaplain in the Armed Forces. Rev. Henry Schaeffer served from August 1942 to August 1944. Rev. William Long Dowler began on August 12, 1945, and led the congregation to become self-supporting on January 1, 1947.

Strengthening Our Community (1955-2020)

A new pipe organ was dedicated on September 5, 1948. The Fraass Hall additions were dedicated on November 14, 1948, and paid off on April 19, 1953. On May 2, 1954, the final payment was made on the air conditioners for the church. Pastor Dowler retired on May 29, 1955, as the church was growing quickly and in need of a larger church.

Rev. Paul E. Arnold Th. D. was called to First United Lutheran Church on June 1, 1955. Dr. Arnold’s vision led to the building of the current sanctuary and campus on Parker Avenue. In 1970, his son, Rev. Paul F. Arnold, joined the pastoral staff at First Evangelical Lutheran Church as his assistant, succeeding his father as Senior Pastor upon his retirement in 1978.

First Evangelical Lutheran church left the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and joined the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) in 2012.

Pastor Paul F. Arnold retired in 2020 after 50 years of service to First Evangelical Lutheran Church. In his final sermon at First, Rev. Arnold stated that he conducted 719 baptisms, 637 weddings, 1264 funerals, and 396 confirmations. Well done, good and faithful servant!

A Time of Growth and Fellowship (2021-Present)

The Rev. Carsten (Judd) Ludder was called as our Interim Pastor in February 2021 and served until March 2024, making strategic changes in the transition, and welcomed several other smaller congregations into sharing our facilities for worship, helping build up the body of Christ in a community that had shifted culturally and economically. He also helped lead the process of hosting the West Palm Beach Chapter of Youth For Christ, a fast-growing ministry to high school youth in our area.

In 2022, Holy Cross Lutheran Church began worshipping alongside First Lutheran Church on Sunday mornings, sharing in ministry and services. Holy Cross sold their property on Kirk Road and moved their offices onsite, with Rev. Dr. Michael A., Breznen assisting in preaching and worship on Sunday mornings. This partnership has enabled both congregations to thrive and serve this community in new and exciting ways.

The other churches worshipping onsite include The Light WPB, with Rev. Jeremy Barahona; Centro de Avivamiento Cristiano, with Rev. Keren Vila; Church of God Seventh Day of Palm Beach, with Rev. Alva Donaldson; and Tabernacle Restoration, with Rev. Frantz Beaubrun. These worshipping congregations help serve American, Cuban, Jamaican, Haitian, Hispanic, and other nationalities that have settled into the community.

Looking Forward to Our Centennial

Rev. Daniel Baker was called and began serving as our pastor in March of 2024. In this new chapter, we’re looking forward to seeing where God will lead us with our vision “to be a community of churches and a church to the community”. As we look forward to celebrating our 100th Anniversary in 2026, our mission continues to be: “To witness, share, and live the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ in this community and in the world by service, education, fellowship, and worship.” May God bless us and the glory be to God!

We are a community of churches and a church to the community. We come together in faith to serve and support others

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