FIRST WORD – 9.19.24 “Wisdom”

September 19, 2024

“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13 (NIV)

James begins with a question: “Who is wise and understanding among you?” Do you have wisdom and understanding? James teaches us that our actions reveal our level of wisdom. The evidence of this wisdom is found in our actions. James asks us to evaluate not only what we think, but also our actions. He is telling us that good conduct is an inevitable outgrowth of true, godly wisdom.

No one wants to be a fool. No one wants to be seen as a fool. We all want to be wise! But sadly, we are often more concerned about how other people see us than what God thinks of us. As a result, we end up chasing the wrong kind of wisdom – the wisdom of the world, rather than the wisdom of God!

James helps us know how to know that Godly wisdom looks like, he says: “Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.” A sign that your deed is done out of Godly wisdom is that it is done in “humility”. Another word for this is “meekness” – which can be defined as “the quality of not being overly impressed by a sense of one’s self-importance.” It can also be used to describe people who are gentle, gracious and mild.

This can sound a lot like weakness, but it is not! Rather, it is power and strength placed under control. Humility, gentleness, and mildness comes from the fact that power has been put under control. Like a mighty ship being directed by a small rudder, or large horse led by a bit and bridle.

Last week I talked about my horse, Patches. I eventually outgrew her and needed a new horse, so I got a POA, or Pony of America, which is like a small Appaloosa. We bought it for $100 as a young baby (foal) and I had the job of “breaking him”. I was around 14 years old and didn’t know how to break a horse, but I learned the hard way! Thankfully our 4-H club had a trainer that was available to help guide me, but it was not easy!

I was humbled many times by the horse, who was much bigger than me. I was bucked off many times, and even jumped off one time when he was spooked by the dog and took off running too fast! It took a lot of patience, consistency, and practice to bring that large animal under control. And even then, he could humble me! But when we worked together, each knowing and trusting one another, we could do greater things.

Isn’t that true with God, too? Together, we can do so much more. But that requires us to be humble, to realize we need help! We need God! We need wisdom that comes from God. His Word helps give us that wisdom, if we’re willing to ask and receive it, graciously. And then, to act on it – with our words and deeds. I challenge you today, to ask God for wisdom, and humbly

In Christ; Pastor Dan