FIRST WORD – 8.29.24 “Egypt Mission”

August 29, 2024

Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” John 6:35 (NIV)

This week I’d like to share a recent update from our missionaries to Egypt, Anthony and Soyoung Sellari. I think it fits well with our reading from John 6 that we’ve been going through this month, where Jesus feeds the 5000 and claims to be the “bread of life”. Our missionaries have been busy sharing bread – both in Word and with food boxes – which we support through our mission benevolence funds.

Hello from Anthony and Soyoung in Egypt!

It’s summer/fall here again. That means temperatures regularly hitting the 100s F, and occasionally the 110s F. It’s a good thing I (Anthony) loves the heat! Soyoung is busy as usual. She’s running Bible studies (3), running Monday night church services, and running the young adult group. We are both taking Arabic classes twice a week. I (Anthony) am running one Bible study currently. I’m hoping to one day have good enough Arabic to have them entirely in Arabic. Ensha’allah! (If God wills!) And, of course, we still run “Good Samaritan Missions”.

Summer here is often a time of transition. First, schools are out and families are on vacation. Mostly just the expats going back to their home countries. Many of the members of our young adult group (which has grown to 17) were just in country for the one semester. Most had never really heard the Gospel before. They just came to church to interact with people who spoke their language. Thank God we had a chance to share Christ with them, and may they continue to follow Jesus!

We (Soyoung, some church members, and some visitors) went to visit Mt. Sinai last week. It was a 4-hour hike to the base, which started at midnight. It took another hour and a half from there to climb the 700 stairs (uneven and knee height to me) to get to the top. Well, it took me that long anyway, I was the slowest one. There we had a church service as the sun rose. It was another 3-hour hike back down. Many decided to take camels back at that point. It was good to have been there, but I don’t think I’ll be making that trip again.

I’ve also managed to meet a few new converts from that other religion. Sadly, due to security concerns, I don’t think I can share much more. But it is exciting to meet so many people coming to Christ.

Good Samaritan Missions is still going strong. This is the group that was started by us, with a donation from my mom, Cyndy Sellari. It is being run under the supervision, and with the support of Cairo Korean Community Church. The following is a list of the things that Good Samaritan is doing through your generous support. All food boxes are monthly events.

  1. We donate 120 food boxes to Syrian refugee families; we work with the NGO Next Generation to distribute these boxes.
  2. We send 20 food boxes to the poor in our sister church, Medinat Salem Church.
  3. 30 more boxes to a church of converts from the other religions (sorry I can’t be more specific)
  4. 10 again to a smaller church that we (Members of Good Samaritan, not us personally) helped start and are currently running.
  5. 40 to a Sudanese school. The children often come to school hungry, so we’ve started supporting them with food. We’ve just got connected to this school. It is also for a group of converts.
  6. 20 boxes for one more Sudanese school, also for converts. These two are in addition to Sudanese Children’s Educational Center.
  7. Sudanese Children’s Educational Center. Note, all 3 schools provide a Christian education. Public school isn’t really an option for refugees. Last year we provided 10 scholarships ($150/year/person covers their whole tuition, plus uniforms). The school charges at below cost and so needs help with rent. So we provide help with rent at about $45 per month (which goes farther than it sounds. For example, average rent on a 1-bedroom apartment is about $100/month).
  8. Our young adult group (this means 20-early 30s) to teaches at a (different) Sudanese school. This one was started by a member of our church. They cover Art, PE, and English.
  9. Another newish group we are helping Palestinian refugees who are stuck at the border between Israel and Egypt. We are bringing them clothes as well as food.
  10. We also sent 30 Food Boxes for the poor at a sister church in Alexandria.

Total monthly Food Boxes: 270
Cost per Food Box: $5.50 (feeds a small family)
Total including other expenses: $2000/month

Anthony and Soyoung Sellari

It’s exciting to hear all that is going on through them. Let’s continue to keep them in prayer!

In Christ; Pastor Dan