FIRST WORD from Pastor Baker – March 6, 2025 “Exodus”
Then a new king, to whom Joseph meant nothing, came to power in Egypt. “Look, ”he said to his people, “the Israelites have become far too numerous for us. Come, we must deal shrewdly with them or they will become even more numerous and, if war breaks out, will join our enemies, fight against us and leave the country.” So they put slave masters over them to oppress them with forced labor, and they built Pithom and Rameses as store cities for Pharaoh. Exodus1:8-11
The previous generation of knew and remembered Joseph – his coat of many colors; was sold into Egypt by his brothers; interpreted dreams for Pharaoh; and became governor in power next to Pharaoh (Genesis 37-50).
New people are now in charge. Memories of previous generations and former loyalties have faded. The new king is afraid that the Israelites are becoming a threat! They are becoming so numerous and potentially powerful by their numbers, Pharoah could lose his throne if he didn’t act quickly.
Unfortunately, hard slave labor didn’t work, so he resorts to murder – the slaughter of male children born to the Israelites. Can it get any worse than this for God’s people?
Our Lenten study of Exodus kicks off this next Wednesday with two types of soup and a short 15 minutes video to introduce our study of the Exodus. We will dig into the Exodus story, ask the tough questions, and discover how the Exodus story mirrors our own.
We are slaves to sin, that’s why Jesus came to deliver us! Our faith is tested as we face the temptations and challenges of the wilderness of life. We, too, look forward to the promise of eternal life in heaven – the promise land!
If you’d like to preview the study video, please go to the “Drawn to the Word” website, or click on this link: go directly to the sample video trailer
This Lenten journey will be an exciting adventure that will help us prepare for the hope and joy of Easter. I pray you can attend the services and tasty meals– invite a friend! Don’t be shy!
Pastor Dan
· Our new maroon pew cushions have arrived! Alleluia!
· Please join us for a delicious lunch in the Fellowship Hall immediately following worship today. Thank you to everyone that helped put them in.
· The First Evangelical’s Church Council is meeting in the Fellowship Hall this Sunday.
· We are having Vacation Bible School on June 24-25-26 from 6:30-8:00 pm in partnership with the other ministries onsite. We also need volunteers to sign up in the next few weeks -contact Kaitlyn Hallett to sign up. Registration for youth 1st to 5th grade(ages 6-12) will open on a later date.
· Join us this Wednesday, March 12th as we begin a special 5-week video teaching series on the story of the Exodus. The evening starts with a Soup Supper at 6:00 pm followed by the class at 7:00 pm, both in the Fellowship Hall. There will be teaching by the pastors and small group discussions. Free!