FIRST WORD – 12.6.24 – Advent

December 6, 2024

Every year during this season of Advent, we set off on a journey to Christmas. We often begin this journey through beautiful decorations, festive songs, delicious food, and of course, the gifts! But to get to Christmas, our Advent readings first take us into the wilderness of Jordan where we meet a strange and excentric prophet named John, John the Baptist!

John may be the last person our world might expect – he’s no Santa Claus! He ate grasshoppers, wild honey, and dressed in shirt made of of coarse camel’s hair. He is not a popular meme maker, either. His sermon while standing in the river Jordan was kind of a downer: “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Hardly a reason for the season we think of first.

What then is this Advent journey all about, why John? Advent is about preparation. It is preparation for the coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Like expectant parents getting their nursery ready, there is much to do.

What does this preparation look like for us? John the Baptist was a prophet, and prophets were called to speak truth, no matter how unpopular. John does that by calling us all to repentance. Repentance implies guilt, and the need to change, to turn around, start over. John wants us to clear the path, level the mountains and valleys, straighten out the roads, make it a smooth landing for Jesus to come into our hearts and lives. That happens through repentance!

John might seem like a party-pooper, but he’s not. John knew that repentance leads to forgiveness, which brings holiness and salvation. The Christ child, who came at Christmas, came not to condemn us, but to give us forgiveness us and grant us eternal life. These are the gifts we ultimately need at Christmas. That’s really good news, not bad news. That’s the Gospel.

Sadly, most of the world doesn’t know this about Christmas. They haven’t experienced it because they are not prepared, they are stuck in their sin, unforgiven. Perhaps they’ve never heard the Gospel! Or they go along with a culture that skips over Advent and tries to jump straight into Christmas. Sadly, they end up missing the true gifts Jesus brings and wants to give us. They are so close, but yet so far. All the more reason to invite others to come to church!

In worship each week we have the opportunity to confess our sins publicly and hear those words of forgiveness over and over again. We do that in our Confession and Absolution, in the Lord’s prayer, in Holy Communion, and hopefully, through the sermon. These are all gift giving actions that come from our God, who came to be with us, love us, and died and rose for us.

It may seem like this preparation includes a lot of repentance, and it does, but also includes a lot of forgiveness, which we need desperately. Let’s join John the Baptist in preparing for Jesus’ coming today and every day!

In Christ; Pastor Dan

Special Announcements:

  • Help us celebrate and adorn the church for Christmas by purchasing beautiful poinsettia flowers for $10 apiece. A form and envelope are included in the bulletin or at the back of the church. Please turn in the form and payment by Sunday, December 15th.
  • Sign Up at the back of the church for the upcoming Christmas Lunch on Sunday December 22nd after the Christmas Program.
  • Mark your calendars:
    December 8thChurch Council (First Lutheran) after worship in Fellowship Hall
    December 8thCongregational Meeting (Holy Cross) after worship in Tikvah
    December 8th, 15thChristmas Program Rehearsals after worship
    December 22ndChurch Christmas Program at 10:00 a.m. and Lunch following
    December 24thChristmas Eve Candlelight Worship at 7:00 p.m.
    December 29thSpecial Service of Lessons and Carols