FIRST WORD – 12.19.24 “A Savior has been Born”

December 19, 2024

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:11-12

When I was a child, I remember spending a lot of time pouring over the Sears Christmas catalog dreaming about what I wanted for Christmas. I would circle items that looked exciting, then I’d show my parents what I found. As I looked at the gifts under the tree I’d wonder if at least one of the things I’d marked was there. Does this sound familiar to you?

One year the TV show Battlestar Galactica was very popular. I remember asking for a plastic model kit “Viper”, a fighter jet in space. I was so excited when I got it! I carefully put it together, even painted it by hand. I still have it!

Another year, when money was scarce at home, I remember getting a few simple presents – some snacks and a 12 pack of Pepsi. But I also got a note from Santa that contained a thoughtful list of things I’d already received during the year. I had much to be thankful for, including new cowboy boots. They weren’t cheap then, and still aren’t today! I wore them proudly to church every week with my brown suit. I didn’t get everything I wanted, but I had what I really needed.

Nowadays, Christmas wishing hasn’t changed much, but the way it is done has moved away from catalogs to endless websites and tempting advertisements on social media! And yes, the anticipation for opening Christmas gifts is still there! We all love free gifts!

Often our focus this time of year is about receiving a gift you want. Or if you are a parent or grandparent, it’s often all about finding that perfect gift for your loved ones, and so, fulfilling their wishes. But we know that Christmas is so much more than that. Christmas is about the most perfect gift, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It’s easy to lose the true meaning of Christmas in all the trappings and festivities of the season. It’s all too easy to let the excitement revolve around a decorated tree on Christmas Eve or morning, and with the opening of the gifts.

Maybe this year, pause, take a few minutes to linger on the deeper meanings of Christmas. How about singing a Christmas carol or two? Maybe someone could read the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2? Let’s celebrate the gift we have through faith in Christ Jesus this holiday!

In Christ; Pastor Dan

Special Announcements:

  • Tune in this Sunday during worship for a special airing of the Bethlehem News Network (BNN) (our Christmas Pageant!). TV anchor Dianne Breznen and investigative reporter Carson Lanza will be broadcasting live from the stable in Bethlehem where the Messiah, the Christ child will be born. The broadcast starts at 10 am sharp, invite friends and family to take part in this special event, and stay for a delicious Christmas lunch.
  • There are still a few poinsettia flowers available for $10 apiece to help decorate the church for Christmas. Contact the office if you’d like one. People are welcome to pick them up after the Christmas Eve service and as soon after as possible.
  • First Evangelical church members: Your 2025 offering envelope boxes are on the table in the back of church. Thank you for all your support and care.
  • Join us after worship this Sunday in the Fellowship Hall for a very special Christmas Dinner!
  • Bring family and friends to our special Candlelight Christmas Eve Service this Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
  • Come next Sunday for our special service of Lessons and Carols, with guest preacher Sera Butz.