FIRST WORD 12.12.24 “Madonna and Child”

December 12, 2024

There is a story about a man who was standing in line at the post office. Standing in line was not one of his favorite things to do, especially during the busy Christmas season. This day was no exception. He waited anxiously for the postal clerk to weigh his packages and give him his stamps.

His irritation quickly increased when he overheard a shabbily dressed man ask another clerk for $50 worth of Madonna stamps! “What corrupt influence is the government supplying society with now?” he thought. “Wasn’t Elvis enough?”

As the clerk in the next stall came to his clerk for extra stamps, the man leaned forward to catch a glimpse of what vile picture of Madonna the old man was buying. Surprise, embarrassment, and finally hilarity engulfed him as he realized that the picture on the stamps was not Madonna the rock star but the Madonna, Mary, the mother of Jesus!

Our lesson this week centers again on John the Baptist. I wonder what John would think of today’s Madonna? Probably horrified – not just by her music, but also her lifestyle.

John was a preacher of righteousness. He wanted Israel to repent. But his message was not as one-dimensional as we might imagine, or only suited for listeners in his day. Rather, it was a challenging message that we need today, too!

John the Baptist also announced the coming of the long-awaited Messiah, Jesus. Even though John’s message came thirty years after Christ’s birth, it helps set up our Christmas story just fine. John’s role was to prepare the way for his coming – back then, and even for today. How are you preparing for the coming of Christ?

John gives us clear directions: If you have wealth, share it. If you are in a position of trust, honor it. If you have power, don’t abuse it. This advice holds true today just as much as it did 2000 years ago.

Jesus became the example of John’s words for us, showing His ultimate love for us – by giving up everything in order to save you and me. That is the reason for the season, and reason to celebrate, Emmanuel, God with us!

In Christ; Pastor Dan

Special Announcements:

  • Help us celebrate and adorn the church for Christmas by purchasing beautiful poinsettia flowers for $10 apiece. A form and envelope are at the back of the church. Please turn in the form and payment today in the offering boxes.
  • First Evangelical members: Your 2025 offering envelope boxes are on the table in the back of church. Thank you for all your support and care.
  • Tune in next Sunday during worship (the Christmas Program!) for a special airing of the Bethlehem News Network (BNN). TV anchor Dianne Breznen and investigative reporter Carson Lanza will be broadcasting live from the stable in Bethlehem where the Messiah, the Christ child will be born. The broadcast starts at 10 am sharp, you don’t want miss it!
  • Sign Up at the back of the church for the upcoming Christmas Lunch on Sunday December 22nd after the Christmas Program.
  • Mark your calendars:
    December 15thChristmas Program Rehearsals after worship
    December 22ndChurch Christmas Program at 10:00 a.m. and Lunch following
    December 24thChristmas Eve Candlelight Worship at 7:00 p.m.
    December 29thSpecial Service of Lessons and Carols