“He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Luke 10:2
You’ve heard me share a few farming stories since I came here from Iowa. This coming week, I’ll be heading to Minnesota to help my brother with the harvest. I’ll get to drive tractors, trucks, and maybe even get my hands dirty.
Harvest can be an exciting time – bringing in the crop after a long growing season. For the farmer, there are a lot of challenges and worries that can enter into the business – things like the weather, weeds, hail storms, bugs, too much or too little rain.
In the end, it is that feeling of accomplishment that can be powerful, fulfilling, and hopefully, profitable!
Isn’t that how it works with God’s harvest, the calling of sinners to repentance that brings them safely to eternal life through the gift of faith? Today is still a time of plentiful harvest in the church, with God calling each of us to labor in the harvest which He prepares in the hearts and minds of the people we meet and talk to every day. It is an honor that God bestows on us, as He invites us all to take part in His saving work by telling others about Jesus!
Speaking of growing crops, we’re excited about some of the things happening at church coming up – opportunities for you to grow and invite others to take part in as well. After our Reformation service and lunch on October 27th, stay and watch the recent (2003) movie “Luther” in the Fellowship hall.
We’re also planning a special movie outing to see the new Bonhoeffer movie coming to theaters. We’re getting group tickets for November 24th. See the information below.
Don’t forget All Saints Sunday, where we will take time to remember those who have been baptized or died this past church year. You will have an opportunity to light candles in memory of loved ones, too.
Plus, Christmas is right around the corner! We’re putting together a Christmas program involving members of the church, young and old! Keep an eye out for a sign-up sheet and rehearsals. These are great opportunities to invite others, share in the harvest of the Lord!
I’m skipping my “First Word” Newsletter next week, while I’m gone. But remember to wear red for Reformation Sunday, and be ready to meet our special guest, Dr. Martin Luther!
In Christ; Pastor Dan
Special Announcements:
- Sign Up at the back of the church for the upcoming Holiday Lunches! They will be after worship on October 27th (Reformation Sunday); December 1st (Thanksgiving); and December 22nd (Christmas). Thank you to our wonderful kitchen volunteers.
- The work on the Sanctuary Roof has been completed, but some work still needs to be done to seal the stained glass windows. They timed the rains perfectly! Work on the “sawtooth roof” (education wings) will continue while they patch some leaks.
- Reformation Sunday is October 27th. We will be having a special guest, Dr. Martin Luther, who will share about his work to renew the church with the slogan: “Word Alone, Faith Alone, and Grace Alone”. Wear RED! You won’t want to miss it!
- After worship we will have a special Reformation Lunch (RSVP TODAY!) and a special showing of the modern movie: “Luther” starring Joseph Fiennes in the Fellowship Hall.
- Join us for a special movie matinee of: “Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin” on Sunday, November 24 at 2:55 p.m. at the Regal Royal Palm Beach Theater. 1003 North SR 7 Royal Palm Beach, FL. PG-13. COST: $10.00. Sign up at the back of the church or contact Pastor Baker through the office. We’re renting out most of the theater for this showing.
Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor and theologian who joined a deadly plot to assassinate Adolph Hitler and save millions of Jews during World War II. His story begs the question, how far will you go to stand up for what’s right?
- Mark your calendars:
October 27th – Reformation Sunday, (Red) Lunch, Movie
November 3rd – All Saints Sunday Day – (White) – Service of Remembrance
November 24th – Thanksgiving Potluck Lunch after Church (RSVP)
November 24th – Bonhoeffer Movie at 2:55 at Regal Royal Palm Beach Theater
December 22nd – Church Christmas Program at 10:00 a.m.
December 24th – Christmas Eve Celebration Worship at 7:00 p.m.