The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” Jesus got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.” Luke 8:24
A week ago I wrote about hurricane Helene, how thankful we were that we missed it, and how we might help. This week, it is Hurricane Milton! We experienced an unprecedented tornado outbreak with over 126 tornado warnings, early estimates of 38 tornados, 10 fatalities, injuries and a lot of property damage – results of the storm. Very scary, sad, and painful for those directly impacted. If you know of anyone in need as a result of the hurricane, let me know!
We work hard in our lives to feel like we’re in control, or try to control things or people around us. But it’s hard, especially because we really aren’t in control of very much, if anything! That’s humbling, and this storm certainly could have a humbling effect on us.
Today, I drove by the damage two miles from our house, near Avenir, where a large tornado passed through and destroyed many homes. I saw it from my backyard and even got some video of it. A new Publix store under construction was damaged extensively. Home roofs were torn up, windows broken, cars damaged, trees snapped, and debris everywhere. It looked horrific. I haven’t heard that anyone died in the area, but no doubt lives were impacted by the trauma.
The passage in Luke 8:24 is the story of Jesus calming the storm on the lake. With his voice, it says, he “rebuked” the wind. Oddly, this is the same word used when Jesus confronts evil spirits or demons, which he does in verses 26-39. It is a bold statement that Jesus came to confront these unseen powers, both spiritual and natural forces. Jesus has the authority and power to put evil forces into submission by a word. That’s true power!
In Romans 8:18-25, St. Paul tells us that all of creation was subjected to futility and decay. Sin doesn’t just involve you and me, it impacts all of the universe. But wait, there’s hope! St. Paul writes in verse 20-21: “For the creation was subjected to frustration… in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.” We discover that God has the power, and a plan, to fix, to redeem, all of creation, including us, and is going to do that for us all one day soon.
In Luke 8:22-25, Jesus acted in the boat with the terrified disciples, spoke a word of power, and brought calm, perfect peacefulness. If Jesus can do that with the wind and waves, what can he do for us? Can he set us free from spiritual and physical forces? Or more importantly, can he set us free from the power of sin and death? Yes, he can! And he does through the power of his death and resurrection, done for you and me, and all of creation.
The tornados and hurricanes do offer us an opportunity to act in our own faith, to help others in need, and bring peace and calm in a broken, fallen world. Let’s make a difference!
In Christ; Pastor Dan
- Sign Up at the back of the church for the upcoming Holiday Lunches! They will be after worship on October 27th (Reformation Sunday); December 1st (Thanksgiving); and December 22nd (Christmas). Thank you to our wonderful kitchen volunteers!
- The work on the Sanctuary Roof continuing and we hope will finish up this coming week or so. The roof timbers are in great shape, Alleluia! They timed the rains perfectly!
- First Church Council meets today after worship and lunch.
- The NALC Disaster Response Team is responding to the hurricane damage.
What can you do? Please pray for the families whose loved ones. Support them by:
— Purchasing Gift Cards from Lowe’s, Walmart and Home Depot and send them to:
NALC DISASTER RESPONSE, 16500 Noble Avenue, Caldwell, OH 43724
— Sending checks to help rent trucks, emergency supplies, and travel expenses to:
2113 Harwood Road, Suite 309, PMB 409, Bedford, TX 76021-4703
- Reformation Sunday is coming up on October 27th. We will be having a special guest, Dr. Martin Luther, who will share about his work to renew the church with the slogan: “Word Alone, Faith Alone, and Grace Alone”. You won’t want to miss it! After worship we will have a special Reformation Lunch and special showing of the modern movie: “Luther” starring Joseph Fiennes.
- Mark your calendars:
December 22nd – Church Christmas Program at 10:00 a.m.
December 24th – Christmas Eve Celebration Worship at 7:00 p.m.
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