FIRST WORD 1.2.25 “Grow in Wisdom”

January 2, 2025

“And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” Luke 2:52

I have a lot of memories attending church when I was growing up. I was a very energetic child, what they’d call hyperactive, especially at church. It sure was hard to sit still for a whole hour during worship! Mrs. Stensland, who sat in front of us, would often bribe us with candy to keep us kids quiet. I even recall getting taken out once or twice to get spanked, screaming all the way.

One time, my Sunday school teacher (mom!), had grown weary of my behavior, so she sent me outside to run around the church a few times, hoping to wear me down so I would sit still during the lesson. I think it worked. At least she got a break to teach the other kids!

Perhaps the funniest and saddest memories I have is of getting left behind at church. It actually happened a few times! Sometimes my parents drove separate cars, especially if there was Sunday school after church. With four kids, it was easy to assume the other parent had already taken me home. I was left behind.

I can still remember sitting on the front steps outside of church crying because I had been left behind. How could they forget me? Maybe my parents were trying to tell me something? Thankfully, there was a kind neighbor who saw me and gave me a ride home and everything was ok. I had a lot of lessons to learn, and I still do.

Because of this, I can relate to the story of Jesus being left behind at the temple in our Gospel this Sunday from Luke 2. Now, as a parent, I can understand a little bit how something like that could happen, but also how frightening it can be – for both parents and children. Oddly, in our Gospel lesson, Jesus doesn’t seem to be too bothered by it at all, as we read (v 46-47):
After three days they found him in the temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions. Everyone who heard him was amazed at his understanding and his answers.

But his parents, Mary and Joseph, weren’t quite so understanding (v 48):
When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.”

In my first parish, after hearing this story, one of my adult Confirmation volunteers commented, “I wonder if that was the first time a parent said: “Jesus Christ, where have you been!” (A swear word!) Yes, parenting can be challenging, but so can growing up.

This passage serves as a reminder that our own spiritual development should mirror Jesus’ journey, continuously growing in understanding and favor with God throughout our lives. I’m thankful I was raised in the church, and I am still growing today. Let’s all seek to be more like Jesus each and every day!

In Christ; Pastor Dan

Special Announcements:

  • We wish you all a very Happy New Year! Thank you for all your donations, volunteering time and talents, and faithfulness to God. May God bless you and yours in 2025!
  • We un-decorating for Christmas after worship this Sunday. Please join us as we take down the trees and wreaths. Don’t forget to come to the Fellowship Hall for lunch and conversations.

Mark your calendars, coming up:

  • January 12th –First Evangelical Church Council after worship
  • February 2nd – First Evangelical Annual Meeting after worship