FIRST WORD 1.30.25 "The Whole World"

January 30, 2025

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”  Matthew 24:14

As a church we have good news, don’t we? We have the good news of salvation that comes through faith in Jesus the Christ. But what about people who don’t know it, who don’t know God? That is why we have what we call “missions” or“outreach”.

But how do we get the message of the good news of Jesus Christ out to the world? There are many ways to do that. For example, personal evangelism is where you share your own testimony to others close to you. Parents and grandparents evangelize their children daily by being a role model. Every word you say and action you make, good or bad, they will mirror! This is true with their faith, too. Family members have a huge impact on those around them.

We often think of pastor, evangelists, and missionaries, who dedicate their life’s profession to sharing the Gospel, locally and/or globally. Our missionaries, Andrew and Soyoung Sellari are wonderful examples of this. They have responded to a calling to go to Cairo, Egypt, and help share the Good News both in word and in deed.

Technology has changed the way we share the good news. From the printing press to radio and TV, and now the internet, we’ve seen our outreach evolve in ways people could have never imagined a hundred years ago. I like to say that Covid helped push it even further as churches had to learn how to stream, making every pastor a “TV evangelist”! And like any technology, it can be used for good or evil.

We’ve been working on our digital presence online a lot this past year. Ken Burton helped set a lot of it up a few years ago, creating a website andYouTube channel so we could live stream. But there is so much more we can do!Plus, now our message now can go out around the world!

We received a special gift from one of our members last year to help us expand our outreach, to promote the church. We’ve been doing that – through better signage and banners, but especially digitally in places like Google, Apple,YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and lately, even TikTok. Plus, just this last week, our new and updated website went live.

I want you to all go look at it. Plus there are a couple videos I’d like you to watch that we put together, all a part of our “mission” here and beyond, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

New website:
Welcome Video for the website:
Property Video for the Annual Meeting:

Pastor Dan

Special Announcements: Mark your calendars, coming up:

  • Please join us for a light lunch with pastries in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the service this Sunday.
  • First Evangelical’s Annual Congregational Meeting will begin at 11:30 am this Sunday after worship. Quickly grab a pastry and come back to the Sanctuary for the meeting. We will be approving the 2025 budget and electing council members. All active members (communing and contributing in the last three years) are welcome. Please pick up your copy of the annual report before the meeting.
  • In addition to our worship team from CAC-WPB today, we are also blessed to have Chuck and Marie Chouinard who will be leading our hymn of the day and sharing in some special music during Holy Communion. Chuck is a volunteer that came to use through Youth For Christ, and has refinished our chapel and office doors, as well as replaced the rusty, broken crosses and lighted cross over our drive through.
  • Next Sunday, our worship music will be led by Frank Eddie and special guest gospel pianist, Maxine Gail.
  • Holy Cross Annual Congregational Meeting will be rescheduled at a later date.