Our History

First United Lutheran Church was organized as a congregation on October 1, 1926.  Four pastors served First Lutheran in its beginning years at its location on Lakeview Avenue.  The Rev. Dr. Paul E. Arnold was called to be the congregation’s next pastor in 1955.  During his tenure and with the significant growth of the congregation, the church moved to its current location on Parker Avenue.  Dr. Arnold served the congregation for the next 20 years and in 1970 his son, The Rev. Paul F. Arnold, also joined the pastoral staff at First Evangelical Lutheran Church as his assistant.  He was called to succeed his father as Senior Pastor upon his retirement in 1978.

First Evangelical Lutheran church left the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and joined the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) in 2012.

Pastor Paul F. Arnold retired in 2020 after 50 years of service to First Evangelical Lutheran Church.  In his final sermon at First, Pastor Paul recounted to the congregation that during his 50 years of service, he had conducted 719 baptisms, 637 weddings, 1264 funerals and 396 confirmations.  Well done, good and faithful servant!

The Rev. Carsten Ludder was called as interim pastor in February 2021 and served until March of 2024, helping stabilize the congregation after a difficult transition, and preparing the church for the future. Rev. Ludder was instrumental in welcoming several other smaller congregations into using our facilities for worship, helping build up the body of Christ in the community. He also worked to support the local Youth For Christ chapter, a fast growing ministry to high school youth in our area.

In 2022, Holy Cross Lutheran Church began worshipping alongside First Lutheran Church on Sunday mornings. Holy Cross sold their property on Kirk Road and moved onsite, with Rev. Michael Breznen assisting in worship and preaching on Sunday mornings.

The Rev. Dan Baker was called and began serving as our pastor in March of 2024. As we begin this new chapter, we’re looking forward to what God has in store for us as we prepare for our 100th anniversary in 2026!

In Christ,

The Rev. Daniel D. Baker